UX/UI, Web Design


Document and Data Sharing Infrastructure 

The Center for Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments (CMEDE), a research center within the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI) at Johns Hopkins University needed a document and data sharing tool for faculty, staff, and affiliated researchers. The developed infrastructure is a password protected web interface connecting authenticated users to a suite of applications including, a database of CMEDE projects, SciDrive, a Gitlab Code Repository, FileMaker Pro, JHUBox, and a searchable data registry.


My role in this project began during the discovery phase. I created and presented user journey maps which illustrated steps the target audiences would go through when using the proposed infrastructure. Followed by static wireframes which were used as an inventory of all necessary elements, I designed all desktop and mobile variations and worked with development teams on building and user testing the document and data sharing tool.

Created at: idfive 
